Norwich Centre

Level 2,

77 King William Rd

North Adelaide SA 5006

Ph (08) 8361 6836

Fax (08) 8361 6834


Our service will provide you with an accurate and detailed diagnosis based upon years of experience from working in a busy Obstetric tertiary referral hospital. Our team has a sound knowledge of most fetal and placental abnormalities with experience in recognizing even the more subtle or less common abnormalities. Our close affiliation with the Women’s & Children’s hospital Obstetric department will assist in prompt and efficient counseling and management of your patient.

Early Pregnancy Care

  1. Vaginal bleeding +/- lower abdominal pain

  2. 1st trimester dating

  3. 1st trimester viability

  4. Miscarriage

  5. Ectopic Pregnancy

Pregnancy Care

  1. First trimester screening including Nuchal translucency scans and early fetal morphology scans (15-18wks) for increased risk of neural tube defects or other abnormalities.

  2. Fetal Morphology

  3. Fetal Growth and Dopplers - providing comprehensive growth trend graphs with the report for improved patient monitoring.

  4. 3D/4D Ultrasound in pregnancy – aids in obtaining extra information in facial abnormalities/deformities, limb or hand/feet abnormalities and assessment for cleft palate.

Fetal Cardiac Ultrasound

Unique to private obstetric imaging services, our visiting paediatric and fetal cardiologist is available for dedicated fetal heart ultrasound and further investigation of known fetal cardiac abnormalities including onsite consultation and same day delivery of results.

Who may benefit from a fetal cardiac ultrasound?

  1. For further assessment of a heart abnormality seen at time of morphology scan.

  2. Maternal, paternal or sibling history of congenital heart disease

  3. Previous pregnancy with fetal cardiac abnormality 

  4. An increased nuchal translucency in first trimester

  5. Maternal diabetes