Non-invasive prenatal screening (Harmony blood test)

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Non-invasive Prenatal Screening – Harmony Test

Specialist Imaging Partners is pleased to introduce the Harmony Prenatal blood test, a new, affordable, non-invasive blood test for Trisomy 21, 18, 13 and X,Y chromosomal abnormalities using cell-free DNA technology. 

The harmony Prenatal test offers:


  • One blood draw performed at 10 weeks or later in pregnancy



  • Non-invasive testing poses little risk to pregnant women
  • Standard blood draw • No risk to the fetus



  • Highly accurate detection of common fetal trisomies ie. 99% accuracy for trisomy 21
  • Extremely low false positive rate (<0.1%)
  • Individualised results on trisomy risk for each patient


The blood test is available for women with high risk pregnancies and is generally recommended to pregnant women with:

  • Elevated risk for Down syndrome on first trimester screen (nuchal translucency)
  • Advanced maternal age
  • Personal or family history of chromosomal abnormalities.


Counseling prior to the test by the referrer is highly recommended. A Harmony request form must be signed by the referrer and by the patient with all applicable details.

NIPT does not replace the 12 week NT scan. Invasive testing (CVS/amniocentesis recommended if):

  1. NIPT result returns high risk
  2. Nuchal translucency >3.0mm (fetal echocardiography with a specialised fetal cardiologist is also recommended)
  3. Fetal structural abnormality found on ultrasound.


For the convenience of the patient and the referrer, bloods can be performed with us at 10 weeks so that results will be available when your patient returns for the first trimester nuchal scan and counselling. Alternatively, the bloods can be performed, with your referral, on the same day, same site, in the event of a high risk nuchal/first trimester screening result for prompt return of results to your practice.

Blood draw can be performed Monday to Friday at our clinic.

Please phone 8361 6836 to make an appointment for blood draw. Test results take between 10 – 14 days Results will be sent to the referring doctor. Contact will be made with the referring doctor in the case of a high- risk result.
For any further queries please contact Specialist Imaging Partners on 8361 6836 or